Your mother was right! You should eat your vegetables (and a few other foods). Studies are showing if we eat the right foods we might live longer, have healthier skin, and add protection from illnesses.
We found this interesting, helpful and sometimes amusing. Enjoy!

Pectin |
lowers cholesterol, controls diabetes by regulating blood sugar and relieves diarrhea. |
Banana |
Vitamin B6
Potassium |
increases immunity to infection, colds, and the flu and reduces inflammation.
controls hypertension and alleviates muscle cramps and stomach distress. |
Beans |
Vitamin E
Vitamin B |
(in soybeans and lima beans) fights heart disease.
(in white and red beans, soybeans, lima beans) prevents some birth defects, including spina bifida. |
Bran |
Soluble fiber
Magnesium |
fights colon cancer and lowers LDL.
prevents convulsions, regulates heartbeat and lessens the risk of heart attack. |
Carrot |
Calcium Pectate |
fights carcinogens, lowers cholesterol and boosts immune system.
lowers cholesterol and relieves diarrhea. |
Celery |
Insoluble fiber |
lowers blood pressure by preventing vessel constriction.
maintains digestive system, preventing constipation and gallstones. |
Coffee |
Caffeine |
relieves asthma, prevents water retention, relieves constipation and increases energy. |
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower)  |
Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Indoles and Monoterpene |
slow cancer-cell growth. |
Fatty Fish/oil (herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna |
Omega 3 Fatty Acids |
reduce risk of heart desease, guard against blood clots, control hypertension, reduce inflammation and relieve asthma. |
Garlic |
Diallyl Sulfides, Phenolic Acid, and Quercetin |
lowers blood pressure
prevents blood clots
fight carcinogens and lower cholesterol. |
Ginger |
fights nausea, relieves headaches, and arthritis, reduces inflammation and guards against blood clots. |
Green Tea |
Streptococcus Mutans |
protects against cancer, fights viral infection and lower LDL.
prevents cavities |
Licorice |
Coumarin |
slow cancer-cell growth.
guards against blood clots and ulcers and fights cavities |
Onion |
Daillyl Sulfides and QUercetin |
prevents heart desease and lowers cholesterol.
fight carcinogens and reduce inflammation and pain. |
Orange |
Vitamin C
Phenolic Acid |
helps produce healthysperm and increases fertility.
fight carcinogens and heart disease. |
Pepper |
Vitamin C (in red peppers)
Beta-Carotene |
fights respiratory disease and cancer and maintains healthy sperm.
fights heart disease and some forms of cancer. |
Reduces gas pains. |
Pumpkin seeds |
Amino Acids
Zinc |
reduces prostate enlargement and regulates testosterone levels.
prevents prostate enlargement and testosterone levels. |
Spinach |
Potassium |
protects against cancer and boosts immune system.
alleviates migraines.
regulates blood pressure. |
Strawberries |
Ellagic Acid
Vitamin C
Fiber |
fights carcinogens.
maintains healthy sperm and lowers cholesterol.
protects against colon and rectal cancer. |
Yogurt |
Acidophilus |
stimulates good bacteria growth, reduces cold symptoms, relieves diarrhea and boost immune system. |