Travel: Wisconsin to San Francisco, on the road again, Part 4

All,  Thanks for your patience for the disconnect on “Part 4” of our return drive.  We have been home in S.F. just over one week and we finally have all our technology issues resolved.  So, time to pick up where we left off…

Day 4:  Laramie to Salt Lake City.

We were up early and on the road shortly before day break.  The storms have past and the temperatures dropped into to 60s.  So off we went, westward toward Utah.

We departed before sunrise to beautiful skies and vast landscapes.

Soon we realized the horizon was murky with smoke from the Montana fires and the temps steadily rose into the 90s by the time we arrived in Salt Lake City.

Oh, did I mention more freeway construction?!  Fortunately, traffic was lighter than usual so the slow downs weren’t nearly as bad as the last couple of days.

We arrived in downtown Salt Lake City in the early afternoon.  We decided to catch a movie at the newly developed Gateway Shopping Center.  Bonus: free secure parking courtesy of Megaplex Gateway Theaters.  (See review: Kidnap, post dated 8/4/17.)

One of 28 Harmon stores with free parking, international quality and variety, sets a new standard for grocery stores.

Since our room at the Residence Inn was a fully equipped one bedroom apartment we decided to eat in for dinner. Where to shop?!  Nearby Harmons of course.  (Move over Whole Foods…)

Day 5: Salt Lake City to Reno.

A short way outside Salt Lake City are the salt flats which extend for miles and hours.

At the last minute, we decided to adjust our travel plans.  By extending our driving distance on day 5 we determined we could shave off one day and get home a day sooner.

A long day ahead.
One more State…

Day 6:  Reno to San Francisco.

Another early morning departure.  “California here we come…right back where we started from…”

Hi California!
A beautiful morning in the Sierras.
A foggy welcome on the Bay Bridge!

Total miles 2,288.


9 thoughts on “Travel: Wisconsin to San Francisco, on the road again, Part 4”

  1. Would you do it this way again……or fly and rent a car? You had some wonderful experiences and glorious vistas, despite the road construction and hot weather. That supermarket in Salt Lake City was worth the stop! Did you stock up on goodies?

    1. Oh, you know us too well. Yes, since we had the car, we brought a cast of wine we discovered up in Door County, some as gifts, the rest for consumption. Milwaukee also has a wonderful Italian market, Glorioso’s with a great selection of Italian foods. If only we had a freezer for the car… And Wisconsin is famous for its home grown maple syrup. We bought a bunch for gifts and a winter stock for ourselves.

      To your question, we will probably not drive again. We did the math. Time, gas, hotels, meals added up. We will fly back for Labor Day and again for Christmas. Both flights and rental car will be less expensive than our road trip. That said, our future plans will undoubtedly include other destinations like Canada and surrounding states, kind of like vacation from our vacation. Are we lucky or what?!

      1. Did you buy Marquardt’s Maple Syrup ? It’s my brother and sister-in-law’s business. The best. Sold at Madison Farmers Market.

        1. Unfortunately no. We were only in Madison once and then only for a few hours. Next year we plan to spend a few days in Madison to better discover the City. We will make note of this brand and seek it out at the Farmers Market. Do let us know if you have any plans to visit Wisconsin next summer. We would love to have you to the Lake House. It would be great to get caught up… We support and applaud your Habitat for Humanity efforts around the world. Miss you!

  2. Your silence was deafening. Was concerned for you. Glad it was only a tech glitch. Seems as though your followers enjoyed your vacation as much as you as it turned out to be OUR vacation too. Thanks for sharing. Keep in touch. Love, Nanci

    1. Hi sunshine! Your comments are so sweet. Our passion for travel seems to be expanding. The joy of discovery, other cultures and the layers of beauty out there is compelling and contagious at the same time. We especially appreciate the relationships we have forged over the years including yours. Hugs and kisses. J&J

  3. So very much enjoyed your journey westward, as I have all your journeys across the pond.
    Glad you’re both home safe and sound.

  4. I DO like the news with photos. I would not have, any longer, liked the long days drive. It did get you home for for the museum.
    It is good to know you are home again..that is where I always think of you 🙂


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