Movies: Year By The Sea, The Force, The King’s Choice

Year By The Sea

This is a delightful film about a New York wife and mother with 30 years under her marriage belt who is faced with a move to Kansas when her husband’s job is relocated.  She chooses a year “time out” with hope of rediscovering herself.

After much self doubt and new friends she slowly learns the value of acceptance of “life’s flow”.

The expertly talented Alexander Janko is the Director, Composer, Playwright (with Joan Anderson), and Producer.  The prolific Karen Allen is Joan, the wife.  Michael Cristofer is the cranky husband.  The ever talented Celia Imrie is fabulous as the new best friend Erikson.  Several more actors round out the atmosphere of the Cape Cod setting.

This is another unrated film.  The genre is noted as a Comedy, Drama, Romance and runs just under 2 hours.


The Force

The force is a timely documentary about the Oakland, CA Police Department which has been under Federal Oversight for several years.  The film is focused on the popular street uprisings following the Ferguson, MO events.

The story reveals a series of failures by the Police Department including several officers being indicted on sexual charges.  The film is powerful, insightful, frustrating and captures another fresh perspective on bias racial relations.

The film is not rated and is in limited release.  We thank our movie friend Meredith for her suggesting this film to us.  “Right on target, Meredith.  Thanks.”

We encourage those interested to seek this film out.  It will no doubt be available on pay per view some time soon.

As we write this, the Oakland Police Department is still under Federal Oversight, now with the assistance of a Public Oversight Committee.


The King’s Choice

This movie is based of true events spanning three days in April 1940.  Germany was already at war with England and most of Europe.  Sweden and Norway had declared neutrality when the war began but Sweden had just capitulated to Hitler’s demand of surrender.  Norway was next, surrender or die.

Norway’s government was controlled by the National Cabinet in conjunction with the Royal Family (much like the UK today).  King Haakon along with the Crown Prince Olav, the Crown Princess Martha and their children flee the capital along with the Cabinet to seek a negotiated solution.

There are over 18 actors in the core cast.  Most notable is Jesper Christensen, a Danish actor, is excellent as the King.  Anders Christensen from Norway plays the Crown Prince.  Tuva Novotny, a Swedish actress is brilliant as the Crown Princess.  Karl Markovics, an Austrian actor gives a great performance as the German Ambassador.  Also noteworthy is Arthur Hakalahti, a young Norwegian actor in the role of a young bewildered soldier.

This film is not rated and has been released in limited distribution.  Although somewhat slow and confusing in the beginning, it quickly evolves into a powerful peek into a rare part of WWII history.

It is listed as a Drama/Action genre running 2 hours, 13 minutes.  Norwegian and German with English subtitles.

Note:  We are already hearing talk of Oscar consideration for this film.  As always, we will stay abreast of this aspect of the film industry.  On another note, we just realized for the second year in a row we will be traveling during the Academy Awards.  Not to worry, we will have our Oscar picks posted in plenty of time.


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