Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, My Fault (Culpa Mia), Shortcomings

Movie 1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

This is the 10th Ninja Turtle movie in the franchise, dating back to 1990. In this version, the turtle brothers, having spent their lives in the sewers of NYC, venture out to live with the humans. The animation is amazing, meticulous and dark. The dialogue is witty and timely. If you are a Ninja Turtle fan, you will enjoy this movie.


Movie 2: My Fault (Culpa Mia)

This is a Spanish romantic drama set near the beautiful beaches of southern Spain. A divorced mother with a teenage daughter marries a wealthy divorced father with a teenage son. There is typical stepsister/stepbrother angst and rivalry until, well, there isn’t…. It is a very well-done movie with good acting and believable dialogue. On Amazon Video. In Spanish with English subtitles. We watched the dubbed English version.


Movie 3: Shortcomings

This was a very pleasant surprise and a wonderful little movie. It’s a romantic comedy/drama with witty humor and perfect casting. A young Japanese American couple, living in Berkeley California, decide to take a break and she moves to New York City. What follows is a very touching and funny realistic look at life.


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