Travel: Tucson, AZ. Part 3

The Pima Air & Space Museum is one of the largest private Air & Space museums in the country.

Hanger 1 is the largest interior space housing Admissions, a Museum store, the Flight Grill and over 40 aircraft.  There are three additional hangers housing another 30 or so aircraft.

There is an additional 150 aircraft outside in what is called “the boneyard”.  The outside area is accessible by foot, or our option, a one hour tram ride with the guide’s narration.  The result was a wonderful experience that has something for everyone.

Here our some of our favorites!

Fierce fighter jets.
Everyone loves the Blue Angels.
Vietnam era helicopter.
TWA Constellation circa 1950s, built in Burbank, CA by Lockheed.
Private jet for First Ladies Jacqueline Kennedy and Rosalynn Carter. Note: Mrs. Kennedy selected the blue, silver and white color scheme for the Presidential jets.
President Dwight Eisenhower flew back from WWII in this plane and later used it as the Presidential plane.  He named it Columbine after the city where his wife was born.
WWII bomber, note the 6 propeller engines and the jet engines on the tip of each wing.
One of the largest bombers with the longest range at the time.
This was the live Air Traffic Control screen showing the actual 100s of aircraft in the sky at the time the photo was taken.

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