Movies: Breaking and Exiting, The Wife, Juliet, Naked

Breaking and Exiting

This is a bit odd as story lines go.  Man and sidekick rob houses for a living.  Sidekick bales and man goes to rob house alone.  Robber discovers a suicide in progress while robbing home.  Robber saves victim and romance/comedy plays out.  Geez, that happens every day…right?!

That said, the acting is not half bad.  Milo Gibson (yes, father Mel…) plays robber #1, Jordan Hinson plays the attempted suicide victim, Adam Huber plays robber #2, James Kyson plays the ex, Lily Ann Harrison is the new girlfriend.  Colin Ferguson plays the local policeman, and Spanish actor Joaquim de Almeida has a cameo part.

It probably won’t attract any major industry awards but it was interesting and clever, just unique enough to keep your attention, real enough to hold your interest, with a very good execution to make it satisfying.

It was a surprise to find the film Not Rated.  It is listed as a comedy. (Go figure?!) The run time is 78 minutes.


The Wife

Let’s get serious.  Glenn Close delivers one of her most stunning performances ever!  Jonathan Pryce is the husband about to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.  But there is a dark undercurrent that runs though this story that starts tepid, builds to a boil and ultimately bursts for all to see.

We will step out and predict Glenn Close will undoubtedly have a nomination for Best Actress for her portrayal as the wife.  In addition to Close and Pryce, the cast includes Christian Slater, Max Irons, Harry Lloyd, Elizabeth McGovern, Annie Maude Starke and a dozen more.

The story is great, the production world class, and it is an excellent example where the concept, script and acting converge to deliver a satisfying experience for the audience.

It is rated R for language and some sexual content.  It’s probably not appropriate for audiences under thirteen years old.  It’s listed as a drama with a run time of 100 minutes.


Juliet, Naked

This film is based on the 2009 novel by Nick Hornby.  It is a quick paced romantic comedy about a couple living together for a decade in coastal England.  Annie works in a museum, her boyfriend Duncan is an Arts Professor and steadfast fan of a ’90s rocker, played be Ethan Hawke.

The couple have a unique relationship.  In fact, the story is about self realization and personal fulfillment run a muck and an attempt to right the wrongs in their lives.

The actors that make it believable include Rose Byrne as Annie, Ethan Hawke as Tucker, Chris O’Dowd as Duncan, Johanna Thea as Rosie and several more in small (extended family) roles.

This film is listed as a comedy/drama and rated R for language.  In our opinion it is suitable for mature teens, adult content not withstanding.  It is a complex story that is often humorous and heartbreaking at the same time.  It runs 98 minutes.




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