Movie 1: Underwater
First, it’s that odd time of year between the Holiday releases, the industry awards season, ending of course with the Academy Awards. This ‘movie void’ is when last minute releases are at their peak.
This is just one of dozens this year. It’s an OK story set in the not too distant future where mankind has managed “breakthroughs” with inner space (our oceans) and outer space (but that’s another story).
All said, this film may appeal to the Gen Z teens by design given the “feeling of helplessness” and “surprise appearance” of previously unknown “sea monsters”! We found it to be a dark claustrophobic mess!

Movie 2: Just Mercy
First and foremost this film draws attention that racism is alive and well in our time. This film is based on real events around a 1987 case in Alabama.
It’s a powerful and thought provoking subject matter that is excellently produced. It’s also a scary example where injustice is still under attack in our society.
Special note: The Academy Award Nominations were released today. This film was not nominated. It seemed a bit odd to us. The Oscars are scheduled for global television Sunday February 9.

Movie 3: Like a Boss
Humm…What do you say when you see a film that offends almost every social sensibility you’ve embraced for most of your life?
This film is an insult to educated, intelligent entrepreneurs of either gender, especially when the focus is the female industry of cosmetics.
It’s a shame given the talented cast of characters.
Thanks. Just Mercy is on my to do list.
The previews for Like a Boss seemed funny. I’ll avoid this one.