Movies: The Old Guard, The Town, Bad Education

Movie 1: The Old Guard

This is a unique and impressive action film, albeit a challenge to watch at first. Once the audience gets oriented to the characters it all begins to make sense. Imagine centuries old mercenaries fighting to save their way of life.

Yes, it’s a bit zany, intense and thought provoking. Charlize Theron’s performance alone is worth the watch! We loved it!! A new release on Netflix.


Movie 2: The Town

If you are up for an action packed heist film, don’t miss this one! It has suspense, drama and more than a little angst! It also has a great cast, just the right mix of tension and drama.

It was originally released in 2010. Ben Affleck is the Director. Overall, it is well worth watching!


Movie 3: Bad Education

Oh my! If you have any interest in the education system in our country, you must see this film. This true story is set in a Long Island, New York High School.

There’s a lot going on. Corruption, embezzlement, hypocrisy! Great acting and suspense. And more than a few surprises. Lots of tension! Overall greatly entertaining. Originally released on HBO.



3 thoughts on “Movies: The Old Guard, The Town, Bad Education”

  1. The Old Guard and Bad Education are now both on my radar.
    I’ve seen The Town and agree with your assesment.


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