Movie 1: The Social Dilemma
Let’s face it…in our heart of hearts we all probably suspected that social media might some day leverage too much influence in our lives; i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. The reality is these icons of modern social media manipulate human behavior and then deliver fresh crops of new consumers to advertisers, propagandists and such. This is a MUST WATCH documentary. Available on Netflix and other social media.
Movie 2: In The Shadow of Iris
Oh my!! How shall one describe this most unusual film?! Mostly set in Paris it’s an erotic thriller that does not hold much back from the audience. That said…we found it often difficult to watch. Sometimes less is more…….. French with English subtitles.
Movie 3: Calibre
This mystery thriller is set mostly in the remote Scotland Highlands. It gets confusing and confounding at the same time. It’s also thought provoking and somewhat insightful in an odd way. Overall, its worth watching.
I agree with you guys. Everybody should watch The Social Dilemma. There’s a lot to think about there, and it affects all of us, whether we want to participate or not.
Thanks. I want to see all of these choices.
Are you finding these on Netflix or have you risked going into a theater?