Movies: Nomadland, Stowaway, Together Together

Movie 1: Nomadland

This review is a repeat from February. Given today’s Academy Awards we are reposting our previous review. This week we saw it in a movie theater and upgraded our globes from three to four.

This Netflix film is a character study about a downtrodden women who ends up living in her van and traveling the backroads. The lead character is played by Frances McDormand. Her performance alone is worthy of your audience. The film is a well made Drama with a run time of 1 hour 48 minutes. It’s a likely Oscar winner!


Movie 2: Stowaway

This Netflix release space thriller is intense. A lead character risks the survival of the crew’s oxygen! Overall the plot is a little confusing. It’s not your ordinary ride to Mars. Well worth a watch!


Movie 3: Together Together

This film is smart, funny, clever, fresh and unique. It will make you laugh and cry. It’s well acted, challenging and thought provoking. We highly recommend.



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