
This is an amazing Documentary about the life of Luciano Pavarotti. It uses rare footage to build the lifetime picture of this remarkable artist. He was the son of a baker. He grew up in Modena, Italy.
His life is on display in this remarkable film. It’s not always perfect. Life rarely is. But this film is a delightful journey worthy of your time and attention. No doubt, potential Oscar material.
Note: For once, John and I were not the oldest ones in the theater. 🙂

Echo in the Canyon

This star studded retrospective about the California music scene of the mid-60’s is focused on the famed Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles.
It’s a who’s who of the music from the era with dozens of famous and or infamous artists of that period. If you are a movie buff, a 60’s music fan, or a history buff, you will find something to enjoy in this film.
More clips of the live performances and less jabber jawing about who did what to whom…would have improved the documentary even more.


Ooh doggie! This psycho/thriller features an Octavia Spencer as we have never seen her before! Her character is manipulative, campy and creepy concurrently. It’s a bit of a shame the film delivers a B movie experience.
That said, if you are interested, you’ll want to see this one for the ending alone. This film is not at all appropriate for younger children.
I’ve been waiting for that Pavarotti film to arrive. Your comments make me impatient to see it.