Movies: Charlie’s Angels, Blood On Her Name, Zombieland: Double Tap

Special Note:  All of last week’s films and this week’s films were sourced on Comcast On Demand.  Due to the current coronavirus outbreak Comcast is offering low or no cost pricing.  It’s pretty extensive.  J&J


Movie 1: Charlie’s Angels

The critics were not kind to this film.  Yes it’s a remake of the famed TV series of the 1970’s.  Yes, some scenes are a bit heavy handed and not realistic.  It’s one of a few action films written and directed by Elizabeth Banks.  By Hollywood’s standards this is more than progressive.

There is lots of action, confusion and special affects.  Mostly it’s just good old fashion fun that does not take itself too seriously. 


Movie 2:  Blood On Her Name

This is a dark and often intense film about a Southern working class family when an accidental killing disrupts everyone’s lives.   It’s not likely to garner many industry awards but it’s a good way to be distracted for a couple of hours.


Movie 3:  Zombieland: Double Tap

We didn’t see the first Zombieland 10 years ago.  We were in Europe last Fall when this edition was released.  We hesitated on viewing this one,  but with limited options we acquiesced.

We were glad we did.  It is a goofy production.  Corny at first, but it quickly took off and got better and better as it evolved.  Ultimately it was satisfying and well worth the viewing.



2 thoughts on “Movies: Charlie’s Angels, Blood On Her Name, Zombieland: Double Tap”

  1. I can pass on these. Tonight I watched The DaVinci Code, Shakespeare in Love, and The Handmaiden’s Tale. I am turning into a blob!

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